First, it was Washington State, when the Women’s March in the Evergreen State shut down after the rising problems over Linda Sarsour and Louis Farrakhan’s rampant Jew Hatred.

Then the Chicago Women’s March collapsed, since volunteers didn’t want to get involved, and the organizers could not raise the funds to host the rally.

Then the Humboldt County, California Women’s March fell through because the organizers acknowledged that their gathering of social justice warriors were “too white.” Talk about racist and self-righteousness.

Now another Women’s March has closed up in the Big Easy

WAFB of New Orleans reports:

NEW ORLEANS, LA (WAFB) – Due to several unforeseen issues, the 2019 Women’s March in New Orleans, originally scheduled for Jan. 19, has been cancelled, say organizers of the event.

Unforeseen? Let’s assess this statement:


Organizers say the national controversy over anti-semitic remarks made by Women’s March leaders has hurt efforts to raise money for the event and to enlist involvement in the march in New Orleans and other marches around the country. Organizers say attendance numbers have also been low.

Yes, they are dwindling, because a march which is supposed to celebrate and help women has two main speakers who push anti-woman Sharia Law as well as Jew hatred in general.

This is not an unforeseen issue, by the way. The other three marches had recently cancelled over the last three weeks. Lots of people around the country, left and right, recognized that this group was filled with bigots and led by the same.


March organizers say they will continue to work on issues that affect women in Louisiana.


“It is time to re-evaluate the momentum that the Women’s March gave all of us the first two years. We will listen to the concerns of all Louisiana women by holding round table discussions around the state in March, Women’s History Month. Information gathered will guide us moving forward with marches and other actions. It can also take us past the marching and towards a new stage of the movement,” said Angela Adkins, march chair and president of the National Organization for Women’s Baton Rouge chapter.

NOW does not care about women’s issues, since they care more about killing little girls in their mothers’ wombs. Women’s liberation has turned into life and family privation of the worst kind. These Women’s Marches were left-wing frauds designed to push a regressive agenda.

The good news is that the alternative media is exposing the bigotry, hatred, and outright hypocrisy of these movements. This was never about helping women.

This was simply about Democrast, socialists, and communists getting more power, and relying on identity politics to fool everyone into paying attention. This is now the fourth major Women’s March event that has collapsed.

Will the Los Angeles March fall next? Let’s hope so!

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