The Women’s March is crashing and burning all over the country.

The Washington State Chapter disbanded because members of that group refused to go along with any organization which refused to call out and disavow Louis Farrakhan, Linda Sarsour, and their perverse anti-Semitism.

Then the Chicago Women’s March collapsed since no one wanted to get involved with this bigoted group. The infighting was too great to overcome, too.

And now in California, Women’s March Eureka is gone.

But for entirely different reasons:

Organizers cancel Women’s March Jan. 19 due to ‘overwhelmingly white’participants

Women’s March So White? So that’s the reason.

OK …

EUREKA, Calif. — The organizers of the annual Women’s March have decided not to hold a rally in Eureka on Jan. 19, as previously planned, because they say participants do not represent the diversity of the area.

I disagree. The diverse groups in the area doesn’t want to be represented by a bunch of self-righteous, self-loathing, marijuana-addled white liberals who virtue-signal their support for minorities while disparaging them behind closed doors.

“This decision was made after many conversations between local social-change organizers and supporters of the march,” organizers said in a press release.

I doubt much of this. I would not be surprised of lots of people in the area did not want to be associated with a bunch of anti-Semitic, pro-Sharia bigots, just like the volunteers in Washington State and Chicago.

They said organizers will continue to meet and discuss how to broaden representation to create an event that represents Humboldt County.

How about not taxing people to death? How about really listening to the concerns of women, and not just left-wing activists?

“Up to this point, the participants have been overwhelmingly white, lacking representation from several perspectives in our community,” the press release went on to say. “Instead of pushing forward with crucial voices absent, the organizing team will take time for more outreach. Our goal is that planning will continue and we will be successful in creating an event that will build power and community engagement through connection between women that seek to improve the lives of all in our community.”

This is a bunch of flimsy mumbo-jumbo for “no one wants to be associated with us anymore.”

The group said it is exploring holding an event in March to celebrate International Women’s Day. Anyone interested in helping organize these events are welcome and encouraged to attend.

How about also celebrating Men’s Day? Why is this a problem for so many people?!

The Eureka Women’s March organizing committee encourages local supporters to attend the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration in Eureka on Jan. 21, Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Final Reflection

This is a stunning reversal. For decades, conservatives have signalled the need to win the culture, not just the political campaigns. The decline of the Women’s March suggests that this shift in the culture is becoming a reality.

While the legacy media ignored the anti-Semitism and pro-Sharia sentiments of Sarsour and the rest, the country as a whole picked up on it, and they want no part of it.

How much longer will this Women’s March fraud continue? I doubt it will last very long.

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