by Arthur Schaper | Dec 7, 2022 | Articles, Uncategorized
Hi Arthur, One of the best ways to unite Republicans against the sexual anarchy of H.R. 8404 is if the Republican leader, Kevin McCarthy of Bakersfield, would stand and speak. As the U.S. House of Representatives floor vote looms (the vote...
by Arthur Schaper | Dec 6, 2022 | Articles, Uncategorized
Outraged citizens who are urging public libraries to remove vulgar children’s books have learned that task can be challenging, but a grassroots group that has seen positive results has a simple suggestion: Just keep trying. Across the country, determined Mass...
by Arthur Schaper | Dec 6, 2022 | Articles, Uncategorized
American Library Association training video exposes how public libraries collude with the LGBT movement to quash opposition to obscene books for children. Warns about MassResistance organizing successfully to stop them! ALA trains library officials across the country...
by Arthur Schaper | Dec 6, 2022 | Articles, Uncategorized
I guess we’re all supposed to be impressed that newly minted House Speaker Mike Moyle decided to cut the number of Democrats on the House Appropriations Committee by one, leaving a solitary minority party member on the panel. “Moyle ignites partisan battle after being...
by Arthur Schaper | Dec 6, 2022 | Articles, Uncategorized
We need EVERYONE to contact Del. Anderson ASAP. He is thinking about introducing legislation to repeal the protection of marriage, one man and one woman. This is beyond outrageous! Capitol...