Korean Teenager Kills Oppressive Mother (Reflection)

This is a truly tragic story. A young boy harassed and bullied by his mother to get the top grades, in order to enroll in the premier law school in South Korea.The mother abused her son so ruthlessly, that the son finally killed his mother, since he feared for his...

How I Became 100% Pro-Life

A year ago, I sparked an incredible discussion on Facebook. I asked people about the abortion issue, re: are you pro-choice or pro-life.I was surprised by the number of people who were not only pro-life, but who did not even recognize the option for abortion in the...

The Democratic Coalition is Crumbling?

Well, this is interesting news, indeed. The Democratic Party is not as strong as they think they are.Let's remember that the Democratic presidential nominee did not win the election. The voter fraud was rife and documented. President Trump won the election, and he...