by altha-admin | May 11, 2019 | Articles
Now this is how it is done. Sadly, there are more establishment-leaning pro-family groups which take the credit, or they run in front of a cause after it has developed considerable support after the grassroots groups punch hard and demand leadership and action. Thank...
by altha-admin | May 11, 2019 | Articles
Hello, OC/CA MassResistance: We are grateful for those of you who were able to attend the May 7th, 2019 AUHSD school board meeting. They are feeling more of the heat! So, I am asking all of you to email the following the OC Board of Education:...
by altha-admin | May 11, 2019 | Articles
From: Carl DeMaioSubject: Breaking – CA Soda Tax FizzlesDate: Tuesday, April 23, 2019 Friend- We did it! Since January we’ve been fighting more than $15B in tax hikes pending in the California legislature. Yesterday, we got a score when backers of...
by altha-admin | May 11, 2019 | Articles
Hi Leadership Group, Friends, and Pastor Friends: May 9, 2019 Matt Staver, Founder of Liberty Counsel, describes HR-5 (HouseOfRepresentatives-5) or S.788 (Senate), the so-called "Equality Act", as "…the greatest threat to religious...