Professional Sports Take a Knee and Take a Dive

Last week, I was getting my car tuned for a long road trip. The car shop owner told his buddies how fed up he was with the politicking that has taken over the NFL. "I just want to watch the game. I don't want to hear the politics. I want to see them...

President Trump's Incredible UN Speech

Mr. Secretary General, Mr. President, world leaders, and distinguished delegates, welcome to New York. It is a profound honor to stand here in my home city as a representative of the American people to address the people of the world. As millions of our citizens...

Dean Heller: A BRIDGE Too Far for Nevadans

I spent a great part of my previous week in Washington DC lobbying US Senators and House Reps to hold the line against amnesty and to stand with the American people to protect Americans and our national interests. Yet some lawmakers never learn. They really think that...