Attorney General Jeff Sessions is Coming … or Going?

Ever since his confirmation as United States Attorney General, I have taunted wayward politicians and sanctuary cities in California: “Jeff Sessions is coming!” Some of my opponents have retorted that Sessions is about to be fired. I say “He’s on fire.” But with the...

Statement Regarding The Defend Movement in Torrance

For the past two weeks, Brown Supremacists and angry La Raza Activists from Huntington Park, Cudahy, and other sanctuary cities have been attending and speaking at the Torrance City Council meetings. To his shame, Mayor Pat Furey sides with these abusive...

Recall Rocky the RINO!

Assm. Rocky Chavez is finally being recalled!   His vote last week for the Democrats’ massive tax increase in the Cap & Trade scam bill was the final straw for conservatives and patriots in the 76th Assembly District (Coastal North SD County)....