Single-Payer Zealots Getting Rude. Why?

SB 562, the Healthy California Act, has been shelved by Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon. He had to shelve it, since the Assembly caucus wasn't having any of it. They did not want to put their necks on the line to support a bill with a massive price tag, something...

RINO Mayes Cap-n-Traitor with the Cannella Shuffle?

State Senator Anthony Cannella (R-Ceres) sold his soul to the devil of Sacramento: The Democratic Party. Cannella voted for the sham gas tax–car tax increase with a massive multi million pork bailout, which will benefit his district and his future endeavors as a...

Brown's Cap and Trade Deal Going Down?!

The Sacramento Bee is all worried about the Cap and Trade hustle being pushed at us. The truth is that even wobbly Democrats are getting worried about the left-wing tilt of their party. Al Muratsuchi has been avoiding visits with constituents. He doesn't seem to...

Valadao's Big Concern: Water

Congressman David Valadao is all about water. The Central Valley is dying of thirst, and cows are caving to the heat. Congress needs to move, and fast, to stop the fatal drought drying up the breadbasket of the country. He is supposed to be gone by now. Yet Valadao...