by altha-admin | May 9, 2017 | Articles
We The People Rising http://wethepeoplerising.comEMAIL or rhvidston1@yahoo.comEmail not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. PRESIDENT OF THE CA STATE SENATE KEVIN DE LEON KEYNOTE SPEAKERMexican and...
by altha-admin | May 9, 2017 | Articles
Senator Ricardo Lara Alert Senator Ricardo Lara has introduced a bill that would penalize those involved with constructing the border wall. The bill is SB 30 California-Mexico border: federally funded infrastructure. bill...
by altha-admin | May 9, 2017 | Articles
So, what happened in Cudahy tonight? Well, I did not get thrown out (Yay! The Sheriff's deputies were so proud of me. LOL!) Nick the Greek was there, and we celebrated Donald Trump's victory At public comment, I praised Governor Greg Abbott for signing the...
by altha-admin | May 9, 2017 | Articles
Hello, Beach Cities Republicans! Trump is kicking rump! 100 days, and Trump is keeping so many promises, and he is Making America Great Again! But what about us? Are you worried about California getting bluer rather than redder? Are you concerned that our message is...
by altha-admin | May 9, 2017 | Articles
There is a subtle sentiment among Latino Leftists that the United States is stolen, occupied territory. I face this fight head-on nearly every day in California, where La Raza agents are neither shunned nor locked up, but lauded like Narco-thugs in Mexican corridos....