by altha-admin | May 21, 2017 | Articles
AboutContactServicesMedia CenterLegislationIssuesResources May 21, 2017 Friends, As a child, I was always taught to look for a police officer if I was ever in trouble. I knew that no matter what, I could rely on them and they would try to help me. Now that...
by altha-admin | May 21, 2017 | Articles
John Burton better have another set of expletives ready. The progressives and the Democratic establishment are already at each other's throats. Oh F—k! Progressives were disrupting his speech with the DNC Chairman Tom Perez. He told them to "Shut the...
by altha-admin | May 21, 2017 | Articles
I have to admit — I was about ready to unscribe from Scott Lay's "The Nooner". But as of this weekend, he had al the up-to-date information on the California Democratic Party convention in Sacramento. Here is the first report which he had sent out...
by altha-admin | May 20, 2017 | Articles
El Monte was not prepared for We the People Rising. They had no idea that American citizens all over Southern California were not going to sit back and allowing Congresswoman Grace-less Napolitano get away with undermining our immigration laws, all in the name of...
by altha-admin | May 20, 2017 | Articles
I began following the blog posts and eblasts of Congressman Jeff Fortenberry (R-Nebraska, First District) about two months ago. He issues some very profound messages and welcome insights, in spite of the petty dramas pushed by the marginalized media. I encourage...