Luis Alvarado on PBS: Hispandering CAGOP'er

It's hard to stomach the anti-Republican rhetoric on PBS. It's even worse hearing it from other Republicans. California Republican Luis Alvarado was on PBS a few weeks ago. He is proudly #NeverTrump, and advertises the ascendancy of the Donald as proof...

What Defines Conservatism in the South Bay

The South Bay of Los Angeles County has a distinct political culture. No doubt its changing, but the dynamics which define political behavior and identity in the district are still worth noting, I am a member of the pro-immigration enforcement group "We the...

Mike Pence for VP?

So, Donald Trump is choosing Mike Pence as a running mate. At least that's the news I have read from the conservative websites and a little dabbling from CNN. He had a hard time keeping the news to himself. Let's hope the pause for an announcement following...