Maine MassResistance Fights Back in the Culture Wars

I am now an active member of MassResistance. California MassResistance is not the first out-of-state chapter, though. Virginia MassResistance opened up, and there is a Maine chapter, too, with active pro-family members who don't stop resisting the Big Gay Hate...

How Better to Fight for Individual Liberty

The Missouri state legislature was very close to putting on the statewide ballot an up-or-down vote for the citizens, whether to protect freedom of conscience for all Missourians Would Christian bakeries have to bake a wedding cake for a homosexual wedding? Would...

CCA: Anti-Community, Anti-Choice Aggression

June 1st, 2016. The weather is still very cool in the South Bay. Gray skies remain the norm in coastal Los Angeles County. So much for all that global warming talk. Hermosa Beach hosted a study session on Community Choice Aggregation, bringing in exports and adherents...

To Our Armed Forces: Thank You For Your Service

Former UN Ambassador John Bolton did not mince words. A Marylander with directness unrivaled (except perhaps by Donald Trump), the national security spokesman blasted President Barack Obama’s latest international visit to Japan as “The Final Leg of His Apology Tour.”...