Open Letter to Assemblyman David Hadley

Dear Assemblyman Hadley: I recognize that you achieved the improbable, if not impossible. You were the first elected Republican assemblyman entirely within Los Angeles county in … decades! A novel achievement, which can give way to more victories for the future....

Assemblyman Supports Policy Which He Had Opposed

Assemblyman David Hadley (R-Torrance) started getting into politics more actively for the same reason as I. Obamacare–and the fact that Obama did not care … about the Constitution, the rule of law, the abuse of federal authority against individual liberty...

Joe Biden Violates Our Intelligence By Speaking

Joe Biden: Christians Violate Gay Rights Simply By Existing Did "Creepy Uncle" Joe really say that? The gist of it comes through pretty strongly in these statements about homosexual accommodations. Here are Biden's comments: My father taught me the...

LIE-Lani and Pat Jr. Still Working Together

So, different names still use the same address. Leilani and Pat Jr. are in collusion. Wow! How shameful. How utterly contemptible. I tried to ask Leilani some basic questions about her continuing relationship with Pat Furey Jr. She just ran away from me. Why...

Open Letter to "Progressives"

A lot of people–particularly–believe that our society needs to be more open, tolerant, progressive How do they define progressive, however? How is individual license run rampant "progress"? What is good about the erosion of borders, and the...