Last Ditch Effort to Stop SB-10

SB 10-which will allow illegal aliens to apply for Covered California (Obamacare), passed the state Senate yesterday and will now proceed to the Governor’s desk. It seems our only recourse is to inundate the Governor’s office with emails and phone calls, urging him to...

Why I Skipped Milo's Freedom of Speech Tour at UCI

Anteaters. They are furry creatures, a derivative of the bear. They have big claws and long tongues. Yes, they eat ants, but are generally an amiable species. The anteater is the mascot for my alma mater, UC Irvine. I reached out the College Republicans earlier this...

Weekend at Bernie's Immoral Economy

As I was reading last Sunday's front page cover of the Torrance, CA The Daily Breeze, I found the same anti-capitalist canard which has propelled demagogues and statists from generation to generation. "We need a moral economy!" blazed the...