Dear Furey Family: I Am Not an Extremist

Patrick Furey Jr. resigned from the Torrance Traffic Commission earlier this month. But the work of cleaning up local government and restoring public trust is far from over. Pat Furey the Mayor needs to rebuked, recalled, and rejected. For the time being, let us...

Hillary: "Donald is Trying to Trick You!"

Here’s another eblast from the Hillary Clinton campaign to yours truly: Donald Trump is preparing to pivot from this Republican primary to the general election — and in order to make himself palatable to voters outside the Republican base, he’s preparing to...

Male and Female He Created Them (Deal With It!)

The attack is on. SJWs on the ground (Credit: Fibonacci Blue) The Social Justice Warriors (“SJWs” for the younger generation, who have endured their disruptive folly in full force on college campuses) have not stopped with redefining marriage. They now attack the very...

Many Reasons to Choose Ted Cruz

The outcomes from last night were less than stellar. Well, let's state the matter blatantly: Ted Cruz had probably the worst night of the primary. First, New York State, where he finished third, behind "doesn't have a cake's chance in a wedding"...