In Huntington Park, Where There Is No Vision

"Where there is no vision, the people perish." Those words are posted to the back wall of the Huntington Park City Council Chambers. What is it about vision which is so essential to any city governance? The word "vision" is a translation of the...

Racism and Recalls in Huntington Park

After the hoopla and near-disaster of Huntington Park, CA City Council's reorganization meeting, I wanted to take some time exposing more of the fraud and the hate which came out of the new city council leadership's mouths. Racism Karina Macias, now the former...

David Hadley Said "Hell No!" to MCO Tax

Flashreport Editor Jon Fleischman sounded the alarm. I responded in turn. The state legislature, with Republicans in tow, was going to pass another tax increase. He helped me to spread my message on the MCO tax increase. I am glad that more Republicans voted no. More...

I Still Choose Ted Cruz (and So Should You!)

Everybody has those days. When you want to stand at your colleague’s office door and shout: “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!” Yes, the “Network” moment, when we channel our inner Howard Bealle and appeal to whoever is listening to hear how...