The Lastest Eblasts From Hillary

You can sense the desperation, deceit, and dysfunction, Here is a list (hardly finite) of campaign eblasts from the Clinton camp: January 31st, 2016: Hi‏ [From Bubba] Friend — Hillary's the toughest fighter I've ever known — but with the polls this...

Grandpa Joe Biden's "Moonshots"

I get eblasts from the White House now. Not that I believe or respect anything that comes out of the White House at this time. Like many frustrated and disgusted Americans, I have no respect for the Occupant in the White House. I cannot wait for Barack Obama to leave....

My Comments to Cudahy City Council: February 2, 2016

Good Evening, Cudahy City Council: My name is Arthur Schaper, resident of Torrance, citizen of the US, member of We the People Rising. I am here to protest as well as exposed your outrageous proposal to limit public participation and comment in the city of Cudahy. The...

Weekend at Bernie’s Outraises Madam Hillary

As if the news could not get any better. Hillary Clinton is begging donors to help her out of her campaign whole. She just sent out the following eblast! Wow! A dessicated socialist is outraising the felonious former First Lady.Good Times! Hillary Clinton outhustled...