Trump: Godless Boaster or Answer to Our Prayers?

Lots of people like Donald Trump. His unabashed rhetoric and his larger-than-life accomplishments charm people. Yuuuge crowds dominate his rallies. Contrary to the mainstream media, posing the real estate mogul as a Nativist fraud, Americans of diverse backgrounds...

Is the Conservative Party Dead?

George Will, like a bewailing Cassandra, fears Trump nomination will end of the GOP. Well. Bill Kristol advises his like-minded colleagues to consider creating a new political party if “The Donald” gets the nod at the convention. Heaven forfend! Ben Shapiro asked: “Is...

Kammy Begging for Year-End Handouts

Kamala Harris has overspent. Now she wants more of her "supporters" to ride to her rescue with some last-minute, year-end cash. Her latest eblast: Friends,I know it can feel like the year is basically over. The days in between Christmas and New Year's...