WaPo: Obama Praises the Koch Brothers

The Koch Brothers, Charles and David, have an influential pro-freedom, pro-liberty agenda working in state houses and influencing federal legislators.  Targeted by left-wing Congressmen (like the now-retired Henry Waxman (D-CA) among others) and progressive...

Scott Walker: Record And Results over Rhetoric

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has an unprecedented and unparalled record of results and accomplishments. From his early days as a state assemblymember to Milwaukee County Chief Executive to two-term, three-times elected Governor, Walker more than walks the walk, and...

Vargas Finds "Alien" Alienating: Of Course!

Jose Vargas Illegal alien Jose Vargas writes that the term “alien” is alienating. Of course it is. Words mean things, and they are designed to distinguish (to separate) ideas from one another so that individuals can discuss controversial ideas cogently. More...

Forget the Car Accident: Walker Focuses on America

While Democrats and progressives describe the Republican bench for the Presidency as “a clown car”, Wisconsin Governor and Presidential contender Scott Walker indicted the true source of this unjust epithet: Donald Trump. The Wisconsin State Journal reported on...