Don’t Discount Bobby Jindal Just Yet

Governor Bobby Jindal at CPAC 2013 (Gage Skidmore)NationalReview wrote a glowing review still not getting proper national attention:Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal has enjoyed a spectacular run of successat governing his state, overhauling Louisiana, once derided as...

Cousin Steve Gets "Non-Partisan Endorsement"

 I just received the latest eblast talking up "Cousin Steve" Bradford in his run for CA State Senator. The collusion of Big Money in the LA area should have more voters alarmed. Are there ever going to be elections in the future? Don't the residents...

"The Donald" is a Democrat

I never knew that Harbor College served as an internment camp for Italian-Americans during WWII. Finally, someone besides Michelle Malkin and myself is reporting that Italian-Americans were interned. Let’s not forget that Terminal Island was home to a thriving and...