My Car Insurance Went Up: I Wonder Why?

My car insurance just went up. Granted, I was in an accident over the Thanksgiving Week in 2013, and my premium went up. After six months, though, my premiums went back down again. Now they are up again. What is going on? I called my GEICO customer service center, and...

Paul-Bart Fail: Eblast Boosting Rand

US Senator Rand Paul I received this latest eblast from Breitbart, further affirming my concerns about this news site. I do not receive eblasts from any other candidate. Why Rand Paul? Granted, at this time US Senator Paul is on my short list, for his accomplishments...

Red State Hate for Scott Walker

With now sixteen candidates running for the Republican Presidential nomination, there are a lot of bloggers out there making the case for their candidates. As long as individuals and reporting sites are honest about their leanings, and open to other candidates if...