Big Labor in El Segundo, CA

El Segundo, CA Logo Big Labor is mustering its strength once again in the South Bay. Public sector unions have tried to push Redondo Beach mayor Steve Aspel around, but he won't be bullied. Now the El Segundo City Council is facing off against their...

South Bay Pushing Back Against Big Labor

El Segundo, CA From El Segundo to LA Harbor, Big Labor is taking bigger steps to keep power throughout the South Bay. Strangely, Big Labor does not want to play by the very rules which it pressed for, including the widespread push to force the minimum wage to $15 an...

Conservative Rep Meadows Files to Oust Boehner

Congressman Mark Meadows (R-NC) Sparks have flown before between House GOP leadership and more conservative members in the caucus. At one point, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz of Utah had announced to one of his sub-committee...

The NRSC Called: They Can't Have My Money (Yet)

I get emails and phone calls every week from the National Republican Senatorial Committee. Don't get me wrong: I love the US Senate! They are the august body, the chamber where hot, heated populist ideas go to cool off. Unfortunately, it seems that in the last few...

Common Core on the Rise (or Fall)

I was not worried about Common Core for a long time. Frankly, what difference did it make what kind of curriculum our kids were receiving in the classroom. As long as young people had good teachers, good parents, or at least a strong support system in place, it would...