Prager Does Not Understand Christ's Forgiveness

Dennis Prager is one of the foremost religious conservative minds of our time. I have found a strong affiliation with many of his writings. On the subject of forgiveness, however, he exposes his misunderstanding of the Old and the New Covenants (already prophesied in...

Black Youth Blasts Obama over Charleston Shootings

In a YouTube Vlog posted earlier this week, Georgia Republican CJ Pearson excoriated President Barack Obama for politicizing the Charleston, South Carolina  massacre. What stands out about this Vlog blast? Pearson is a young, African-American conservative. In...

Breitbart Flail: Rove Stood His Ground

In a brazen attempt to shoulder their distorted reporting on former Bush advisor Karl Rove's, now Breitbart is claiming that "Karl Rove Walks Back 'Repeal the Second Amendment' Comments after uproar." Awr Hawkins reports: During a...

Chaffetz Out-Maneuvered: Meadows Reinstated

Congressman Mark Meadows (R-North Carolina) was poised for retribution following his vote against GOP leadership against Fast-Track Authority, i.e. Obamatrade. Meadows shared with reporters from The Daily Signal: A conservative House lawmaker angry at “a culture of...

Catalina Island's Water Restrictions: Update

The Catalina Island Chamber of Commerce CEO responded to my phone call last week. He emphasized that the Stage Three water restrictions are not yet in place. Yet. "There are a lot of layers to this onion." The city of Avalon will be working in partnership...