Walker, Not to Be Underestimated

While US Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul have announced their bids for President in 2016, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has remained under the radar, yet not to be underestimated. Walker has survived repeated, failed media flails to recast his views on controversial...

Breitbart's Matt Boyle and the Scott Walker Problem

Conservative journalism is breaking out in dimensions which old timey newspaper types would have never imagined. The technology revolution, which allows Joe Nobody to be  Deep Throat, Bob Woodward, and William Randolph Heart to throw off every Establishment block...

Uncle Izzy for Congress: Too Close for Comfort?

State Sen. Hall Isadore Hall (Uncle Izzy) State Senator Isadore Hall just got elected to the upper chamber in Sacramento. That special election was December 9th, yet barely two percent of the eligible voting population showed up. Still, the 35th State Senate district...

Nesselbush Distorts Roger Williams, RI Legacies

Sen. Donna Nesselbush State Senator Donna Nesselbush (D-Pawtucket), an ambitious, brazen, and openly gay politician, recently attacked the Indiana state legislature and Governor for passing a law which protect the civil rights, i.e. the religious  liberties of...

A Question in Search of an Answer: Hillary Who?

While Republicans are battling over who will stand for them in Election 2016 and lead the future of the party, Democrats across the country are lining up under one banner: Ready for Hillary It’s time for Republicans, Democrats, and all unaffiliated Americans to ask a...