Luis Gutierrez: Treason in our Midst

Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), a progressive fixture of gerrymandered Chicago politics, is a race-baiting rabble-rouser who opposes President Obama for not going far enough on immigration “reform”. The brown version of “Crazy Black Lady” Maxine Waters, the male...

Election 2016: Walker v. Everyone Else

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is a rising 2016 GOP Presidential nominee. Pro-life, pro-limited government, pro-American Exceptionalism, Walker has three statewide successes in progressive Wisconsin. While Reagan gave speeches to the AFL-CIO, Walker reduced public...

Christ, Not Man, Is King

Christ, not man, is king. This inscription greets every visitor to the tomb of Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell. He resisted taking on the Crown of England, and continued to do so until his death. When the Stuart Monarchy returned to power, the British people had...