Boxer: Wrong (As Usual) on MLK

US Senator Barbara Boxer On the eve of Martin Luther King Day, US Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) published the following press release (in italics). Like many liberals in Washington, she exploited the holiday in customary fashion, blaming the criminal justice system for...

Senator Boxer’s Broken Twitter Feed

@FrankLautenberg He’s also dead. He passed away in 2013. What is it with Senator Boxer and dead people?@MarkUdall The former US Senator from Colorado, just defeated last year by Republican Congressman Cory Gardner. Not very impressive. No wonder Boxer is...

McLaughlin: Another Bush? Zuckerman Says "Yes"

John McLaughlin In the January 9th, 2015 episode of the McLaughlin Group, host John McLaughlin speculated on Jeb Bush's chances of winning the President in 2016. MCLAUGHLIN (voice-over): Jeb Bush has formed a presidential exploratory committee and he's...