Cruz’ Bumpy Moves

US Senator Ted CruzUS Senator Ted Cruz’ tactic to force a vote on Homeland Security funding did not go as planned:But the strategy backfired: Not only did Congress clear the $1.1-trillion spending bill without restrictions on immigration policy, but Democrats...

Congress, then Cuba

  In a rare display of unintended bipartisanship, Cuban-American US Senators Marco Rubio (R-Florida) and Robert Menendez (D-New Jersey) vocally criticized President Obama's announcement to normalize relations with the Communist Castro regime in Cuba. “I think...

Obama: Normalize Relations with Congress

President Obama has announced his intentions to normalize relations with Communist Cuba, a nation with which the United States has maintained a no-travel embargo for decades. The Latin American island's current leader, Raul Castro, even suggested that Obama lift...

What Will Happen to SCROC?

SCROC, located in Central Torrance, CA Following the educational reforms with the Local Control Funding Formula in 2013, the fate of Southern California Regional Occupation Center hung in the balance. Aside from two more years of extending funding, the skills and...

Why Four Senators Did Note Vote on HR 83

The CRomnibus bill, HR 83, was the last major piece of legislation in the 113th Congress. Yet in the US Senate, four senators did not vote on the bill. Dianne Feinstein Part of the reason I cared was that one of my senators, Dianne Feinstein, did not vote. I contacted...