Paul LePage: The Wickedest Governor in the USA

Paul LePage (Governor of Maine) Maine's current governor, Paul LePage, boasts a rags-to-riches story that would make you weep, a governing record that would make you clap for joy, and when you hear him speak, you want to stomp and cheer, or laugh out loud (or...

Buddy's Back! (Will Providence Take Him?)

  Born in Cranston, raised in Providence, and defined by the same city founded on religious liberty (then grounded by virulent Mafiosi and government corruption) ,Vincent “Buddy” Cianci is running for Prince of Providence once again. Seriously. Cianci (Not...

Bowen and California's Depression

  Debra Bowen   Secretary of State Debra Bowen (D-Redondo Beach) has been suffering from a deep depression, according to staff reports, and has neglected her elected duties for years because of her illness. Only recently did the press report on her...

Buddy’s Back! (Will Providence Take Him?)

Buddy declared his intentions to run for Mayor of Providence late last summer. The announcement got everyone all excited. Looking over a clip from the Documentary “Vote For Me! Politics in America”, I understand why Providentials would want him back in...

New Creature (Not Just Saying Something)

Many people who have loved the teachings of Kenneth Hagin and learned from him claim that his banner verse was Mark 11: 23 "For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt...