Governor Brown's Unwelcome Welcome Mat

Governor Jerry Brown (Neon Tommy) Reporting on a recent meeting between Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto and California Governor Jerry Brown, the LA Times announced: Jerry Brown: Immigrants, legal or not, ‘welcome in California’ One has to wonder who would...

Governor Brown’s Unwelcome Welcome Mat

Governor Jerry Brown (Neon Tommy)Reporting on a recent meeting between Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto and California Governor Jerry Brown, the LA Times announced:Jerry Brown: Immigrants, legal or not, ‘welcome in California’One has to wonder who...

Churches Are Not Political Houses

Churches are Greater Than Political Houses "Our churches are union halls  for right wing causes." I heard one political activist share this remark. Last year, Congresswoman Maxine Waters hosted two townhall meetings in the South Bay, in churches. One...

We Have a Good Name in Jesus

"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold." (Proverbs 22: 1) In this proverb, we read about the importance of a good name. People can have money, but money taken by stealth or fraud will not gain one...

Self-Help = The Way of Cain

Melody Beattie: Leading Name in "Self-Help" Self-help books, ministries, seminars, and speakers abound in our times.   What is going on? Why are so many helpless, or needing help? In these modern times, which are actually quite backwards, men  and...