Prediction Affirmed: Labrador Challenges McCarthy

Raul Labrador Kevin McCarthy (R-CA, Bakersfield) is already causing Establishment Republicans to sweat. Speaker John Boehner has not endorsed him to replace displaced Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and two anti-amnesty Republicans announced interest in the Majority...

CD-23: The Divine Right of Kevin McCarthy

Kevin McCarthy Now that House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy is in the running for House Majority Leader, replacing ousted Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia, his not so conservative record is causing Republicans in Washington and throughout the country to wonder whether he...

Obama's DREAM: Exploitative Nightmare

Illegal Immigrant Youth Entering the US (Source: Truth Revolt) In 2012, President Obama issued an executive order which would forbear deportation for all illegal immigrants in the United States who were thirty years old or younger, who had no criminal record, and who...

CD-26: Gorell Must GOTV and More

Julia Brownley (Source, Michael Headington) Assemblywoman Julia Brownley was lucky in 2012. After the Citizens Redistricting Commission, Republican  incumbent Congressman Elton Gallegly decided that another fight in a different district was not worth the...

CD-49: Issa's Coronation

Darrell Issa has been a tough fighter against the Obama Administration, from investigations into Operation Fast and Furious to the IRS abuses and Benghazi. Instead of making the stance based on principle, Issa explained to CNN's Wolf Blitzer about his rejection of...