McDaniel's Worthy Challenge to Cochran

As a California conservative frustrated by pandering and compromise from representatives who support special interests rather than protecting the public interest, I applaud Mississippi state senator Chris McDaniel’s primary challenge against the decayed, decades long...

Is Muratsuchi Afraid Yet?

Al Muratsuchi Republican contender David Hadley's slight 66 vote lead over incumbent Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi (D-Torrance) has grown to 552 votes over the last three weeks. The latest tally from the Secretary of state (as of June 23, 7:32am) should...

Miller Effect Redux in the 31st?

Lesli Gooch Leslie Gooch, the former aide the hand-picked successor to retiring Representative Gary Miller, did not quite make into the Top Two jungle primary on June 3rd, 2014. Even though her website listed her as the party favorite, including her win in the...

Chris Matthews: Tea Party Cheerleader?

MSNBC's Chris Matthews Chris Matthews: TEA Party cheerleader? He sounds like a supporter now, even though in broadcasts in times past Matthews maligned the conservatives and the Republicans with race-baiting and other misleading slanders. Matthews shared the...

McCarthy Wins — Labrador Gracious in Defeat

In a secret ballot of Republican members of the House of Representatives, California Congressman Kevin McCarthy won the majority leader spot replacing pro-Amnesty Eric Cantor, who in a surprising upset lost his primary fight to a vastly underfunded economics...