SCOTUS: Furthers Walker Victories

The United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) has issued a number of rulings scaling back the power of President Obama, who has unfaithfully refused to execute the laws of the land while unlawfully issuing directives through executive order.   United States Supreme...

Pro-Life, Pro-Marriage Extreme: Why? (What To Do?)

Today, to define marriage as one man and one woman – that is an extreme position. “Since when should marriage be limited to one man and one woman?” Critics argue. To recognize life at conception and defend life as much as resources permit – that is also an extreme...

Justified From All Things and thus For All Things

All is a brand of detergent which cleanses stains from clothes. Television commercials advertise that you can clean many loads of laundry with one bottle of All. The blood of Jesus is the very brand which cleanses us from all sin. The blood of Jesus keeps on cleansing...

Gov Walker: Not a Smidgen of Corruption

Despite the national press’ preening for bad news, particularly against Republican leaders, new outlets have failed once again, intending to fit only the news which prints their limited liberal ideology, as opposed to the truth, which vindicated conservatives and...

Feinstein's Plea in LA Times – and the Truth

Senator Dianne Feinstein is calling for resources and humane treat for “desperate” undocumented alien children amassing around the Southern Borders of the United States. Instead of requiring exasperated taxpayers to subsidize illegal immigration with food, clothing,...