Richard Simmons for Congress!

Richard Simmons for the 33rd! (Source: Del Far, Permission of CC-by) The Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, and the Washington Post are foaming at the mouth over who will run for the 33rd Congressional District to replace Congressman Henry Waxman.   A...

How Abraham Grew to Trust Him

By comparing Genesis 21 and 22, we learn that Abraham developed a growing trust in the LORD not based on blind faith, but rather in response to God's goodness: "Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that...

Brian Herr for US Senate, or Gabriel Gomez Encore

Despite recently-elected US Senator Edward "Maryland" Markey's relatively low favorability numbers and name recognition, the only name in to run against Markey is Republican selectman Brian Herr of Hopkinton, an outsider. Sounds good, since Markey is as...

About RLn Take on Spying

Random Lengths News publisher James Preston Allen claims that no one knows we are reading his “news”paper. Perhaps the NSA have not found that many who are still reading the trotted-out, burned-out, no longer viable liberal rhetoric of class warfare and racism as the...