Michigan Governor Rick Snyder: Republican RoboCop

RoboCop was a sci-fi shoot-em-up from the late 1980s. The sequel explored the damaging effects of the drug trade at length, but for the sake of comparison, the first film will suffice. The setting of the movie takes place in a future dystopia of Detroit, where gangs...

Hollow Rumblings on Georgia’s 2014 US Senate Race

Saxby Cahambliss Georgia will have a contentious US Senate race in 2014, made more contentious by nonstop blogging. Two-term incumbent Saxby Chambliss will not seek reelection, perhaps fearing a contentious primary challenge, although he had admitted to the press that...

Disbar and Deport the Illegal Legal

Supreme Court Ignore Supreme Law of Law (Source: Jamison Wieser) California resident Sergio Garcia went to law school, passed the California State Bar exam, celebrated his remarkable achievement with friends and family, then two weeks later received a notice from the...

A Lown-Down Run-Down on CA's New Laws for 2014

New laws abound in California, and we can thank our hard-working (or hard-headed) legislators for putting in the extra effort for the residents of the state of California. Except, not really. With the defeat of comprehensive school choice bills in 2013l (SB 451 and SB...