He Makes Us Perfect

"48Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." (Matthew 5: 48) "Be perfect, even as Your Father in heaven." Meditate on this verse from the Sermon on the Mount one more time. "Be perfect, complete, without...

Right Believing, Not RightThinking!

"The just shall live by his faith." (Habakkuk 2: 4) The just shall live by faith, not by right thinking. Faith is about resting, not doing. It's about knowing, yes, but also believing in His love for us: Here's the full definition of God's love:...

Letter to ProJo

I have been following Rhode Island politics for the past year, starting with the landmark pension reforms pushed by General Treasurer Gina Raimondo. I also read about the consequences when cities refuse to reform: Central Falls, Rhode Island. I will never forget the...

Live In Praise — Rest in the Prince

The next verse for the Psalm of the year, Psalm 114, tells us where we live. היתה יהודה לקדשו ישראל ממשלותיו׃ "Judah was his sanctuary, and Israel his dominion." (Psalm 114: 2) Even before the nation of Israel left Egypt, God promised to these people...