Anti-Tribute to Congressman Henry Waxman

I don't know whether to laugh or throw a field goal.After forty years of unrepentant liberalism, and after winning his toughest reelection fight by five points in 2012, and even after sending an eblast in 2013, in which he announced that he would run in 2014,...

CA and DC GOP for Amnesty: at Their Peril

The year: 1994. Republican Governor Pete Wilson signed off on Prop 187, which a majority of California voters supported. The initiative would prevent illegal immigrants from using public services in the state. Soon after passage, a California Justice threw out the...

Love of Christ in Power, Truth

I knew that God loved me, but I never treated His love as if His love could solve the problems in my life. Like many Christians, I knew that "God loves me", but I did not realize that His love is rich, extravagant, overflowing. This love is not some passive...

Faith: Believe in Christ and Him Crucified

"We walk by faith, and not by sight." (2 Corinthians 5: 7) "For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith." (Romans 1:17) What does it mean to live by faith? Many people think...

Walker's Reforms Working Wonders in Wisconsin

Governor Scott Walker’s reforms have forced the powerful Wisconsin teachers’ unions to witness the massive decertification of their forced collectives. The second largest public sector alliance, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME),...