Why I (and Many Others) Fail to Speak Up

"It's not Christian to get angry!" You should never raise your voice. Don't get angry. Seek peace with all men. "I feel guilty when I say "No!" "Good People Feel Bad When They Hold People Accountable!" Where does this...

Walker and Pizza

From Governor Scott Walker’s upcoming memoir Unintimidated: A Governor's Story and a Nation's Challenge, The Cap Times highlights the unique business advancement of Ian’s Pizza, from parlor to palace, during the organized protests against Act 10, Walker’s...

Why the Slower Job Growth in Wisconsin?

Scott Walker campaigned on a central promise to create 250,000 jobs and, by that standard, he has failed spectacularly, salting the earth for Wisconsin's middle class in his inept and criminally corrupt administration. Under Scott Walker, Wisconsin Leads the...

Throw the Bums Out — And the Bum-Like Policies

Throw the bums out! Get them out of office. No more career politicians!   This mantra has grown stronger than ever in the United States.   The American People are fed up with Congress, which now polls at single digit approval ratings. Zombies are more...

Christie, Pigs, and Presidential Politics

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has fried up critics in his state because of a recent veto against banning gestation cages for pigs. Animal rights activists contend that Christie’s veto will permit agricultural interests in the Garden State to abuse animals for...