Pope Francis: Focus on One Person

The newspapers report that Pope Francis is focusing less on the "thou shalt nots" and more on the postive aspects of the Gospel. Nothing could be more positive, actually, than the Gospel. Here's the long and short of it: "Be it known unto you...

We The People Are the Bums to Throw Out. . .

"We the People." That's the opening line for the National Charter, otherwise known as The United States Constitution. "We the People." If we do not like what we see in government, we have to look back at ourselves. Do we expect someone else to...

Guns, Prizes, and the Democratic Party Wedge Issues

The Mainstream Media has become vain and screaming with uptight taunts about deep fissures in the Rhode Island Republican Party. The fact is, as Columnist George Will and Assembly Minority Leader Brian Newberry (R-North Smithfield) asserted, the Republican Party...

Biased Anti-Jewish Journal

This week's edition of the Jewish Journal (10/10/2013) has another outrageous and offensive political cartoon from Steven Greenberg.  This Cartoon is Just Sad, Wrong, Distorted, and Shameful This time, instead of silly caricatures of elephants, his cartoon...

Default: Not the End of the World

The federal government simply cannot spend what it spends without consequences. Politicians have ranted over and over that this country cannot continue to "kick the can down the road." This time, there will be no more kicking down the road. Like screaming...