Compromised Obama Won't Compromise

Seeking principled compromise, the Republicans in the House of Representatives offered a continuing resolution which defunded Obamacare while funding the other functions of govenrment. The US Senate removed the defunding provision, returned the legislation to the...

Senator Reid: It's All Your Fault!

On Friday, September 27, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) returned a “clean” spending resolution bill back to the House, minus the defunding of Obamacare. Despite the neat euphemism, Reid is playing dirty political games by ignoring the will of the...

Sherman: Not a Cool Head on Govt Shut-Down

Today (September 26), Congressman Brad Sherman (D-Sherman Oaks) published an Op-Ed in the Los Angeles Media Groups newspapers (Los Angeles Daily News, Long Beach Press-Telegram, The Daily Breeze), in which he claimed that all hell would break loose should the federal...

Cruz was in Control (And So Are US)

Cruz is in Control (and so are the Republicans and the American People) Did US Senator Ted Cruz’ talk-a-thon FINO (Filibuster in name only) cause more harm than good? One local operative in my Congressional district suggested that Cruz was fighting the wrong battle,...