Obama and Langevin: Regressive, not Progressive

Congressman James Langevin (D-Warick) is a big fan of President Barack Obama and his progressive predecessor President Woodrow Wilson. As a proud sponsee of the Rhode Island Progressive Democrats, Langevin prizes any politician who espouses the Progressive doctrines...

Tribute to Fiscal Conservatism

2012 US Senate candidates Todd Akin (R-MO and Richard Mourdock (R-IN) advanced in the General Election for those seats with the certainty of winning, but they ended up losing over stray remarks over abortion. So goes the political thinking of our time. Granted, they...

Governor Brown is Locked Up About Early Release

Governor Edmund "Jerry" Brown re-entered office in 2010 (her had served as governor from 1975-1983) with a ten-point lead ahead of Ebay CEO Meg Whitman, a pro-choice and now pro-gay marriage Republican who had hoped that her business savvy could help turn...

Gina Raimondo: You KO'd My 401(k)!

In my previous piece, I was whining because General Treasurer Gina Raimondo had not filed a lawsuit against California Governor Jerry Brown. Still, California’s chief executive (if this Democrat can take the lead against his own party) has more pressing, depressing,...