Response to Reactions About Zimmerman Verdict

On February 26, 2012, George Zimmerman of Sanford, Florida was policing his neighborhood as part of his community's "Neighborhood Watch" program. When he say a hooded African-American youth named Trayvon Martin walking around in the area, Zimmerman...

Homeless People, not Belongings, Deserve Attention

According to the ruling in Lavan vs. City of Los Angeles, upheld by two federal court injunctions, Los Angeles retains the authority to remove abandoned belongings on public thoroughfares, but cannot remove goods which clearly belong to a homeless person just because...

Palin for US Senate? You Betcha!

Based on frequent polling, voters are waiting for the right (as in politically) leaders to pull this country up from the pits. With 2014 looming, and looking bad for Democrats, Republicans are liking their chances, waiting to carve out a strong majority in the US...

Illinois, Concealed-Carry, and the Gun Control Debate

Illinois is the latest (and last) state to enact concealed-carry gun laws, in compliance with a stern Federal appellate court order, which mandated that the constricting gun laws be relaxed in the Log Cabin State. When I read that Illinois was “last state to enact...