Thank You, Pastor Ken Hutcherson

God bless Pastor Ken Hutcherson and his bold preaching! Finally, black preachers are calling out their black congregations for seeing everything in their lives through then lens of color, instead of the cleansing of Jesus Christ. For decades, the black community has...

Democratic Policies Have Kept the Black Man Down

For decades, the accepted political discourse has argued that black people are being put down by the force of racism in American Society, by conservatives (based in this country's legacy of slavery), and the Republican Party. These indictments are fatuous in too...

Obama is No Trayvon

Never letting a crisis go to waste, or an opportunity to express his vanity, President Barack Obama declared: “Trayvon Martin would have been me thirty-five years ago.” Barry Obama grew up in a mixed, academic family. He attended elite universities and organized...

Obama Would Never Have Been Trayvon

Never letting a crisis go to waste, or passing up an opportunity to promote his self-regard, President Obama injected himself into another media-hyped frenzy, claiming after the Zimmerman verdict: “Trayvon Martin would have been me thirty-five years ago.” Let’s assess...

About "California Comeback" in "Random Lenghts News"

When I read “The California Comeback” on the cover page of the latest edition of Random Lengths News, I didn’t know whether to laugh or plan a summer vacation in Hell, because Hell must be freezing over for anyone to claim that California is coming back under the...