by altha-admin | Apr 11, 2013 | Articles
If any issue galvanizes free-market and fiscal conservatives, it would be fiscal and monetary policy. Publisher James Preston Allen mentioned the long-term success of infrastructure projects. Federal spending on transportation is a sound investment to most...
by altha-admin | Apr 11, 2013 | Articles
Milton Friedman (1912-2006) In blue states like California and Illinois among others, Republicans feel blue, and independents and disaffected Democrats may not fare much better. Who can blame them? They are surrounded by a rising flood of liberalism which is drowning...
by altha-admin | Apr 11, 2013 | Articles
Donald Trump was a Democrat for years. Governor Christie has been a Republican all of his life. Governor Christie was the chief executive in a two-to-one Democratic state. Donald Trump curses and drops f-bombs with abandon. Governor Christies cuts taxes and blocks...
by altha-admin | Apr 11, 2013 | Articles
I understand the frustration of individuals on the left, or liberals in general. They see this fallen world, imperfect, immoral, unfeeling, unfair. They see people who prosper, people who do not, and these disparities suggest something is evil at work in the world....
by altha-admin | Apr 11, 2013 | Articles
"Gay marriage" is getting a lot of press these days. The very idea that men could marry men was pushed to the forefront in the last decade. 2004, and the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled that indeed men many marry men, and women may marry women. The first...