BSA — A Different Form of Cowardly

The leaders of the Boy Scouts of America have offered a compromise on gay rights. They will allow gay youth to join openly, yet will not accept openly gay scout leaders. The Daily Breeze editorial board then labeled their decision “cowardly”. Indeed, the decision is...

Teachers as Parents — Extended NJ Editorial

As a California resident, a state with high taxes, higher unemployment, and the height of waste and spending, I look outside of my state politics for leadership and accomplishment. In addition to leaders like Scott Walker of Wisconsin and Mitch Daniels of Indiana, New...

Rhode Island: The Petri Dish of Socialism

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” – Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013) A petri dish is a pristine, transparent carrier in which scientists develop a culture, a bacterium, or a cancerous sample within a controlled...