Marriage Equality = Legitimate Rape

US Senate candidate Todd Akin misspoke when he referred to forcible rape as "legitimate rape". Those two words cannot coexist side by side. Rape by definition is illegitimate. Poor choice of words, nothing more. Another unpalatable conjunction of words has...

ObamaCare Facing another Taxing Legal Challenge

Chief Justice John Roberts upheld the Affordable Care Act as a tax rather than a stretching of the commerce clause. The Obama Administration and chief architects of the law, including Congressman Henry Waxman, wanted to turn the Commerce Claus into a frill...

Waxman and ObamaCare — Train Wreck

Campaigning for office for the first time in decades, Congressman Henry Waxman rallied behind the Affordable Care Act, which he claimed would bring down the costs of health care while expanding access without taxing anyone. The Supreme Court upheld the law as a tax....

The Library (and Legacies) of George W. Bush

Since President since Herbert Hoover, former chief executives have placed their imprint on history through their own libraries. President George W. Bush (Bush 43) certified his own at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. Presidents, past and present,...