Conservative Democrats Belong in the GOP

Ronald Reagan was a "Greatest Generation" Conservative Democrat. He survived the Great Depression, and served his country during World War II. He respected unions, and he was even the President of one: The Screen Actors Guild. His leadership prevented the...

People’s Republicans of Santa Monica?

The Case for Democracy, Sharansky made his pitch for free societies based on the free speech, freedom of association, and freedom of religions. These values must be firmly in place before governments open up elections. Without proper respect for all citizens in the...

What Our Legislators Need to Do

Kansas is contemplating a phased-in phase out of the state income tax. So is Rhode Island and Louisiana, while Massachusetts plans a lower sales tax. California has some of the nation’s highest state taxes. If red and blue states can cut taxes, our legislators can...

We are not motivated by feelings, but by his grace! Stop attacking feelings  — start dealing with the truth See Jesus, who is the truth Matthew 14 Genesis 49 Genesis 35 Magnify Jesus over every problem Do not pay attention to the fringes, which is the...