No More RINOs — They Do Not Exist

The classic taunt among Democrats: "The Republican Party needs to broaden its tent." "The Republican Party needs to accept RINOS — Republicans in Name Only." RINO (Republican in Name Only) Other terms have also suggested that the party needs...

The GOP Needs a Real "Leader of the Pack"

 With no leadership, with no vision, parties perish. Since 2008, the Republican Party has lacked unifying leadership. During the 2008 election, Arizona Senator John McCain was an also-ran who for months was running for office on a shoe-string. Senator McCain was one...

About RLN's "Patriotic Spin"

In attempting to diminish the “patriotic spin” of the 2013 Presidential inauguration, Random Lengths News editor James Preston Allen confused the basic principles of our nation and misrepresented President Obama’s rhetoric in contrast to the reality. “We the People”...

Christie, Time Magazine, and New Reflections

Governor Chris Christie covered the cover of Time Magazine quite well. It staved off some concerns that I and other supporters were starting to have. Like the majority of New Jersey voters, I esteemed Christie’s brief show of bipartisanship with President Obama...