Warren Rudman: RIP

Cutting Budgets is a New Hampshire tradition. Warren Rudman passed away November 19th.              Warren Rudman (R-NH) (1930-2012)   He will be remembered for writing the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings...

One of the Devil's Tactics: Distraction

In order to stay in power over a wide array of nobility who wanted to dethrone him as much as obey him, King Louis XIV created a grand royalty scheme which would empower his friends while impoverishing his enemies In order for rich and titled men to receive any favors...

Happy Thanksgiving, New Jersey

When President Obama visited the Garden State shortly after Superstorm Sandy hit the Jersey Shores, Governor Chris Christie praised the president for his help during a time of immense distress. “Get the hell off the beach!” was what most GOP operatives were expecting....

Feinstein's Call to Support Israel Must Be Heeded

I rarely write to commend a Democratic lawmaker, especially if she has remained in office for over two decades, and continues to support questionable policies which do nothing to limit the explosion of government or restrict our country’s overextended military...