Richard Mourdock – Scorn the Shame!

“For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory: why yet am I judged asa sinner?”And not rather (aswe be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) let us do evil,that good may come? Whose damnation is just.”...

Romney Pumping His Gas — Unscripted and Natural

If only Romney had had more scenes like the photo taken by Huffington Post Staff. Romney deep down is a humble man. He has done many good things for his family and his community. Romney should have pumped his gas more often. As for his hair, the day was windy....

On Electing the LA County Assessor

A public official in Los Angeles County assesses the value of county-wide properties, which in turn influences the amount of taxes which the property owner has to pay. The Daily Breeze has concluded that the position should be appointed instead of elected. Popular...

Leave the Union — Get More Pay

The Aviation Safeguards employee association voted last year to break away from Service Employees International United last year. Now the get paid more. The notion that workers need union action to protect themselves is losing salience. Unions themselves are losing...