Challenges Here and Abroad

The Eurozone and the Global Economy: God forbid that the United States will but the toxic debt of the Eurozone. From the moment that the Greek Tragedy took center stage, the leaders of the Eurozone should have pushed the Greeks out of the Eurozone. Their decision to...

Fewer Debates, Shorter Primaries

The Republican Party should never have adopted the divisive and disparate primary delegate allocation process used by the Democrats in the 2008 election. Candidates who have to attack members of their own party just to get the nomination inevitably draw themselves...

Coulter's Cant on Romney's Loss

Romney lost because he was running against an incumbent, was beaten up during a long and vicious primary fight, and ran in a year with a very different electorate from 1980. At least one of those won't be true next time. But we're not going to win any...

The One Needful Thing — Reform the Primary System

Yahoo News has outlined the Top 5 Priorities for the GOP in Coming Months – one of which centers on ending the primacy of far-right candidates winning in primaries, only to throw away the general election because of stray remarks off message or for a lack...